Research Category: Early Childhood Education

Active, Engaged Learning: Why It’s Important

Hands-on learning allows children to examine and discover what is happening directly. This type of learning is especially advantageous for kinesthetic learners who learn best by example. Sometimes it is rather difficult to understand something that you have never been exposed to or experienced. Hands-on Learning also encourages little ones to do things for themselves, […]

What is SEL?

What is SEL? We all want our children to excel in school. Many families come to us because they are unsure what children should know to be ‘kindergarten ready.’ I can give you a list of things they should know like, their ABCs, #’s, be able to write their name, etc., but what if I […]

How Do We Build Successful Kids?

When we think of traditional education, we think of the three R’s: reading, writing and arithmetic. With this approach, the goal of preschool is to hammer home letter recognition, pencil mechanics, and counting to get ready for sight words, spelling, addition, and subtraction. Do we need to crack down on those wiggly kids and tell […]

Coping with Challenging Behavior during Challenging Times

Angela teaches three-year-olds in a program affiliated with a local hospital. Her class normally has ten children in it, but currently several children are staying home with their families. Lately, there have only been four children attending regularly–their parents are health care providers in the hospital and are working long, grueling hours. Under normal circumstances, […]

Supporting Sensory Development

Our world has changed dramatically in the past several months. Scheduled activities outside the home are no longer driving our days. The sudden lack of social engagements and predictable routines has left many of us struggling, along with our children. But even in the midst of such a widespread crisis, we can find opportunities to […]