
Each afterschool session instills core social emotional learning (SEL) skills with opportunities to practice and implement into real life situations.


Our team specializes in equipping each learner with relevant decision-making skills needed to become a leader among their peers.


Our program prepares young people with interpersonal skills to successfully navigate the challenges of life.

   Heather Hastick, M.Ed.
   Founder, Whiz Kid Academy

Helping every child have a positive impact on the world.

As a 20-year educator, I have found that my brightest students are often the most socially and emotionally challenged. These challenges unfortunately can become a focal point, and limit the type of support a child may receive on their journey.

I am passionate about equipping every young person with the tools they need to remove internal barriers and maximize their potential. 

After personally seeing strong growth in a diverse group of learners over the years, I am offering this social emotional learning (SEL) enrichment program on the principle that every child can develop and excel in life!

Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Enrichment Program Overview

Serving Grades: Pre-K to 8th

30-Minute Sessions

Fun & Interactive

Take-home Family Resources

Impact of SEL Enrichment Program


Identifying Emotions

Expressing Emotions



Respect for Self

Recognizing Strengths

Relationship Skills

Conflict Resolution

Active Listening





Managing Emotions

Coping Skills


Stress Management

Anger Management

Impulse Control


Social Awareness


Discovering Differences

Diversity Appreciation

Civic Engagement

Respect for Others

Responsible Decision Making

Identifying Problems

Solving Problems

Analyzing Situations

Goal Setting

Leadership Skills

Student Outcomes:

Key Findings

  • 37% decrease in incidents of conflict
  • 57% decrease in the number of suspended students
  • 39% increase in student’s ability to manage and resolve conflict
  • 40% increase in empathetic thinking
  • 65% increase in acceptance of others
  • 41% increase in ability to control temper

Our Curriculum Partners

Whiz Kid Academy is proud to partner with industry-leaders in curriculum development and teaching solutions for education.

Partnering to change the world, one child at a time.

Learn More

All program staff are background checked and trained professional educators.

Social Emotional Core Competencies