Testimonial Category: Heather

–Sourabha W.

–Sourabha W.

Thanks to Ms. Heather’s team for this amazing program, and it is helping us immensely to get our child ready for kindergarten.

–Bryan W.

–Bryan W.

“This helped our child develop and refine her skills throughout the year.  From our experience, Ms. Heather’s teaches with enthusiasm and has a passion for education. “

–Christina L.

–Christina L.

We chose to homeschool due to COVID, but the program allows my daughter to feel like she still has a connection to a real teacher this year. It also gives me an easy to follow curriculum, which I would otherwise have to try to plan myself. I’ve been extremely satisfied with my decision to join […]

–Kenyetta J.

–Kenyetta J.

“This program was able to appeal to my child’s learning style, ensuring that her attention was captured in the subject and that she understood the material. She is an educator that is fully invested in the well-being of her students.”

–Summer P.

–Summer P.

“Ms. Heather makes learning fun! She engages children and helps build their confidence as they learn new things.  She sees your child as an individual and strives to meet them where they are.”